Although we do not like being overly formal, there are some important Terms of Use that apply to your use of this web site. Please read the following notice carefully before using this web site. By using this web site you are indicating your agreement to these Terms of Use. If you do not agree to these Terms of Use, please exit the web site now.
The Lieber Law GroupĀ LLC website and the materials it contains are presented for general information purposes only and you should not consider any information on this site to be legal advice. The information may be considered advertising under the rules of professional conduct that apply to the practice of law.
Please understand that the use of this website or merely contacting the Firm (by email, phone, fax, mail or otherwise) will not establish an attorney-client relationship. The Firm does not represent you or your company until we have specifically agreed in writing that Lieber Law Group LLC will serve as your legal representative. If you are seeking legal representation from the Firm, we must first complete conflict-of-interest and other regular intake procedures, and you will receive a written letter confirming the representation. In no event will the Firm agree to represent you in any matter unless we have had direct personal contact to discuss the scope and nature of the representation. For these reasons, you should not send any sensitive or confidential information until we have established an attorney-client relationship. Otherwise, information that you send may be deemed no longer confidential and may (among other things) be subject to disclosure to or discovery by third parties.
This site does not require you to provide personal information, though you may choose to provide your name, telephone number and email address by sending an email message through this site. When you visit this site, it will record your server address, the date and time of your visit, and the title of the pages you view. This information may be used in a variety of ways including to evaluate use patterns or diagnose problems, and to plan improvements to the site.
Lieber Law Group LLC may, at its sole discretion and without notice, revise this Privacy & Terms of Use notice.